Reiki Class Level 1: Shoden
In Shoden class you become acquainted with Reiki and begin the journey of rediscovering your True Self. The journey of a lifetime begins! You are taught hands on healing for yourself, family, friends and animals but the main focus of this class will be your self healing. Self healing is the key to a wonderful Reiki practitioner in the making!
This is an experiential class. You will receive four initiations ( energy activations) during the course of this class. The history of Reiki will be touched upon and you will be introduced to the Reiki Precepts. There are several meditation techniques you will learn and we will put together a simple yet highly effective daily practice to further expand on your Reiki.
Your time commitment for this class is 12 hours. Usually split over two days. Private classes and small group classes can also be arranged.
Reiki Class Level 2: Okuden
In Okuden the journey deepens into the magic that is hidden within your depths. There are three initiations given at this level. You will learn three symbols and their mantras and how to perform remote (distance) healings. You will also learn new meditations that will add to and enhance your practice.
Your time commitment for this class is 8 1/2 hours. Private classes and small group classes can be arranged.
Reiki Class Level 3: Shinpiden
In this advanced Reiki certification class, the student will learn the final Reiki symbol, experience the initiation, and practice with the jumon and mantra. We will practice the process for Reiki certification level initiations and Reiju (spiritual blessing). The deeper meaning of Reiki as a spiritual path will be explored through discussion and advanced techniques. You will learn how to structure classes and mentor students, manuals for each level and certificate are included.
Your time commitment for this class is approximately 18 hours.
students will learn and experience:
Developing the spiritual and mental connection using the 5 Reiki Precepts
Working on the self/others for the purpose of healing
Four mantras and symbols
Techniques and meditations