What is Reiki?
what to expect
Sessions are individually tailored to your needs and condition. Tammy rests her hands for a few minutes on specific areas of the body, allowing energy to pass through the client.
the benefits of reiki
Healing can take place on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Each of these levels will be affected by working energetically with Reiki.
The five pillars of reiki
The pillars consist of developing spiritual and mental focus through the Reiki precepts, meditations, hands on healing, mantras and symbols and Reiju/Initiations.
Just for today only
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be grateful and humble
Be honest in your work
Be compassionate to yourself
and all others
Tammy Yuei
Tammy holds certificates in various forms of Reiki and after much contemplation and practice she has found that Usui Reiki Ryoho was the purest, direct, most effective way to practice and teach this amazing healing modality. She believes in teaching and giving treatments based on the individual. Being present and flexible in order to effectively provide the most transformative experience for her clients.
As a great sky
in clear light green
I wish my heart
would be as vast.
Reiki at it's foundation is a tool to uncover our own Great Bright Light. The light of the universe that inhabits our physical form at the moment of conception. This light is clear, strong and bright when we are born. Life happens to us and we engage in worry, anger, being ungrateful and forgetful of our spiritual nature . This leads to a feeling of a lack of love and care for ourselves and all others. We then feel little appreciation for all of the beauty that surrounds us.
Reiki treatments and classes are a tried and true method for remembering this Great Bright Light and reconnecting with our true selves. We return to our essence by meditating on the precepts, using hands on healing, chanting the mantras, embodying the Reiki symbols and receiving Reiju. We begin to radiate love and this leads to healing for ourselves and others.